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About Us

StarStable 2019-06-22
Our Story

Ocean Mystery at first was merely a new name given to the beloved club Crystal Steeds after it's unfortunate disbanding. However, now we stand for so much more. We changed and grew, embraced our new status and became an amazing family. Every day we make new memories together and there's always something fun to do whether is be training, hanging out, or practicing dressage.

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Our Goal

The main goal of Ocean Mystery is to provide a safe, fun and supportive environment for everyone in our club and around us! Nothing works unless we have trust and we value every one of our members. We also strive to perfect our dressage and be successful in competing in competitions all over the SSO community!

StarStable 2019-07-27
What's it Like in Ocean Mystery?

Very energetic and fun haha! There's always someone to talk to or hang out with no matter where you are! We try to provide an up to date and active environment with new activities and opportunities every day! With practices four times a week, there's plenty of time to hang out together on call or in game!

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